Sunday, September 2

Labor Day Weekend

Well, we had our annual Labor Day party at my Uncle's house on Saturday. It was fun, as usual. There was one thing that was unusual though lol... a pig. Yes, a pig. A live, crazy pig running wild through the yard with all the kids trying to chase it away. It was covered in oil (they live in the middle of a ton of oil fields)... Nobody knows exactly where the pig came from lol. My aunt and uncle were out picking stuff up in the front yard and this oily pig just walked up into the yard and decided to hang out for the night. Trey was SOOO excited about this pig, he could hardly contain himself. They got the pig corralled under the deck of the pool and Trey lay on his belly in the yard just watching the pig under there just trying to decide how he could play with it. LOL Of course the pig wouldn't let anyone near it so we weren't worried about anyone getting hurt lol.

Charles and I actually had a few hours to be a couple too and that was nice - we went to the movies and to the bookstore - ALL KID FREE!!! HAHAHA It was nice - I wish we could go out as a couple more than like 2x a year... HINT HINT to family members who read this blog and wanna help us out in this department HAHAHA!!! We saw Rob Zombie's new Halloween. It was good but not as gory as we'd anticipated based on his two other films lol.... We wouldn't have cared if we were watching the worst movie in the world we were on a date!! HAHA


Anonymous said...

We talked with Irv and they got the Piggly Wiggley pinned up today by rattling a bag of cornies and getting her attention then dropping a trail for her to follow into the pen. No one around wants to claim her. She has been roaming behind their house for 2 weeks, this is the first time she came close. They have tried the neighbors, they are going to keep her and feed her out. "feed'ers keepers" hahahah

Anonymous said...

Hey Toto, come down to MORE family things and we will keep those kidleys for you all the time!!! The movies here are just about the same as way up there in Indy! Moom

Keppy Boone said...

LOL Funny funny about the pig...

Well, driving down there sounds nice but the drive w/ the kids is TORTURE!!!!!!!