Wednesday, March 21

Wearable ID

I had no idea it would be so difficult to find a good wearable ID for a child. We need to get Trey an ID that he won't remove and that's nearly impossible. The best things I can find on the places I've looked so far are Velcro. Most Autism sites recommend these, so they must be good. It's just recently come to our attention that he REALLY needs a way to get across who he is in an emergency. I thought about a med-alert bracelet, but I'm afraid they won't be small enough, his little wrist is only 4" around. So, I think I'm going to order a couple of these because they fit tiny wrists (2"-7") and don't have a med-alert symbol on them. I realize that he can take them off, but hopefully when (if?) he gets used to wearing it, it won't be an issue.

Having Trey has opened my eyes to so many things I never thought I would have to even think about. Honestly, its a whole new set of worries I'd never even dreamed of.


Marigold said...

Once upon a time I saw IDs that went on a kid's shoes. Either inside the shoes, or on the bottoms. They were in case a child was kidnapped, or things like that. I'm sorry, i can't remember the name of the product or anything, but...the wonders of Google!

Marigold said...

And another one...

Keppy Boone said...

I saw those shoe IDs when I was searching for a "wearable ID". I do think I will get some of those for him, too, but I'm going to start w/ the bracelet.

Kay Green said...

Thanks for posting about my site. Yes I have the bracelets and the shoe tags and the shoe stickers.

I have a new dog tag ID that hooks onto a belt loop, shoe, back pack or zipper that he probably can not get off himself.

I hope this helps your concerns

Kay Green
CEO of

Keppy Boone said...

Thank you, Kay! The dog tags are very cute. I just might do that instead!