Saturday, January 27

Forwarded Pic

My mom sent me this pic of the kids at her house (it's a camera phone pic, so its fuzzy). The girls have their hats on and they are showing off Athena. Trey was so excited about seeing this picture that I had to put it up. As Trey-Trey would say, it's a picture of "A-ya, Sin, [insert sound of panting like a dog], [insert motion of patting one's self on chest]". (For those of you who don't know, Trey has a speech delay. He is three and has about a 15 word vocabulary - and that's on a very good day. He has no cognitive delays and no hearing loss. He's been in speech therapy for a year but has aged out of the program, so will be starting a preschool program geared for speech acquisition sometime in the spring.)

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