Friday, September 14

More TV commentary...

LOL Can you tell I've watched a lot of TV lately??????

Since I can't sleep, I watch documentaries at night... Over the course of a few nights I've been watching this one: When the Levees Broke: A Requiem in Four Acts. Its very political and very Spike Lee, but it jives with my opinion with the BS that happened in New Orleans after Katrina. I learned quite a bit from this documentary - for instance, I didn't know Sean Penn was down there wading neck deep in the water rescuing people - did you?? As if I needed ANOTHER reason to love Sean Penn hehehe...

Ok, so as mentioned in my last post I was gonna watch the new HBO show Tell Me You Love Me tonight, and we did. Admittedly, there is probably too much gratuitous (not to mention graphic) sex, but the show is really good. HBO has been making some great shows lately and I don't think that this one is going to disappoint either... We'll see - only two episodes have aired so far, but the three couples and their issues immediately grab your attention and you just really wanna know if they will end up together or not. The therapist (played by Jane Alexander) is like a therapist I would love to talk to every week. There is just something about her that is really believable lol. (I will put yet another disclaimer on this show lol... there are LOTS of GRAPHIC sex scenes, so if you DO watch it, don't be surprised.) ^^

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