Friday, July 18

Bluer than the sky, Greener than the grass, and Taller than the trees

Since Ally was a baby, I've told my kids that I love them Bluer than the Sky, Greener than the Grass, and Taller than the Trees. Usually they giggle and say it back, but I know they listen because sometimes, when they really want to make sure I know that they love me - the tell me to tell them how much I love them, and they say part of this little saying...

After two HORRIBLE days with Ally (which I won't go into right now) she was laying on the couch while we were watching TV just now and said, Mom... do you love me higher than the trees? And I said of course I do, Ally... She said I love you Bluer than the Sky too, Mom.

There are little things like that which make you ALMOST forget everything else that's happened that day, you know? I'm not a cry-at-everything type of gal, but I must admit a little tear welled up when she said that, after the gut-wrenching two days we've had with one another.

And then she said, "I'm sorry, Mommy." I asked her what for, and she said, "For everything..." I told her I was very glad to hear that and gave her a kiss.

My mom always said to me, "I may not always LIKE you very much, but I always LOVE you, no matter what." And that's true for every relationship, I've found. Its nice to hear your kids say they love you and know they really, really mean it...

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