Monday, September 17

Vocabulary Lesson #1

(I'm always wanting to increase my vocabulary, so why not include you all?)

How many do you know without looking at the definition?
  1. deter
  2. ex cathedra
  3. disavow
  4. disconcert
  5. insouciance
  6. perceive
  7. presage
  8. reiterate
  9. indiscreet
  10. detritus
  11. educe
  12. eclipsed
  13. reconstitute
  14. preclue
  15. impose
  16. pervade
  17. escapism
  18. retrospective
  19. elicit
  20. prerequisite

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Let's see Toto, I think 10, but I am going to the dictionary and check. Now you have me wondering. You are such a "word" hound!