Saturday, February 3

Unravelling #1 and Progress on WCTP hat

I have bought a few sweaters from Goodwill with the intention of unravelling them for yarn, but hadn't completed one yet. I had started a yellow sweater earlier but it was frustrating and so I quit. But today I bought a very cute black sweater with some yellowish and cream colored fibres spun in and decided to just sit and do it. I got more yarn than I had thought I would. (Right now the kids are wearing the hanks of yarn as hats, anklets, and bracelets lol.) I need to wash them and then hopefully I can take them to Mass Ave Knits tomorrow and they can help me get the yarn into balls using their swift and ball-maker.

The pics are a little blurry because the kids wouldn't stop bouncing on the bed long enough for me to get a good picture. Also the yarn is all tied up with blue cotton so it looks a little crazy.

The WCTP hat is coming right along. I think it's really going to be cute.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

these are great, they look soooooo cute mooom