Wednesday, January 31

Dishcloth #04 and ALPACA news

I started Dishcloth #04 yesterday but the design wasn't able to really be seen until it was almost 1/2 done - so here is a WIP shot. Its an entertwined cable. (Not that anyone cares but I can't put up a pic of Dishcloth #02 because I gave it to my mom.) *smile*

As for the Alpaca... I was rambling endlessly about yarn and other knitting tidbits to my dh yesterday and I said something about a llama (referring to Alpacas, but knowing he wasn't listening I wasn't going to bore him with details...) anyway, he said "those special llamas?" First of all, I picked my jaw up off the floor that he actually heard me then said, "Yeah, Alpacas." He then said, "Oh, yeah, my boss just bought some of those." I promptly picked my jaw up AGAIN and said something like are you serious?? He went on to explain that she bought them for their fur for the purpose of spinning her own yarn... O M G! I told him to tell her that I wanted to come and visit when she spins next time because I haven't watched someone spin since I was at a Pioneer Day in 5th grade. Anyway, maybe I can get her to sell me some of the fur?/roving?/I don't really know what to call the "raw stuff". -- FLEECE!!! That's the word.


Crystal said...

That is so cool, maybe we can make a field trip of it one day???

Keppy Boone said...

Ooooooooohh I love field trips!! We need to make a field trip to Mass Ave Knits, too - even if its just to hang out and knit lol. Its so fun in there.